Ubaldo Roberto Torres Romo
University of Medical Sciences of Camaguey, CubaPresentation Title:
Professionalization in transfusion medicine of the doctor who assists the patient with cancer
Anemia and iron deficiency are classified as serious health problems that affect billions of people worldwide. Although objective verification of the efficacy and safety of allogeneic blood components transfusion is insufficient in many clinical settings, it’s continues to be treatment of choice for millions of patients. In the second decade of 21st century, internationally, transfusion medicine expected learning results are not achieved with current medical schools and medical residencies curricula. Transfusion medicine education of cancer treatment specialist, it must be taken into account that the cancer patient needs a much more specialized transfusion support than other patient populations, which causes the fewest possible side effects. The immune system of the cancer patient is weakened, so they are at greater risk of developing graft-versus-host disease associated with transfusion treatment, alloimmunization against cellular antigens, and microparticle-induced immunomodulation. These patients are more exposed to blood components transfusion. For cancer treatment specialist, professionalization in transfusion medicine can be the way to acquire professional skills focused on the patient's transfusion safety. Professionalization in transfusion medicine, as a continuous pedagogical process, entails:
1) transforming medical professional performance through the permanent updating of specific knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in transfusion medicine
2) the development of the patient's blood management programs for consensus criteria as a guide for the treatment of cancer associated cancer. Applicable teaching strategies should include interprofessional education and cooperative learning between doctors, nursing and transfusion staff.
2) the development of the patient's blood management programs for consensus criteria as a guide for the treatment of cancer associated cancer. Applicable teaching strategies should include interprofessional education and cooperative learning between doctors, nursing and transfusion staff.
Ubaldo Roberto Torres Romo, Biochemist, Assistant Professor and Researcher, has completed his master's degree in Medical Education. He has research experience in intrathecal synthesis of immunoglobulins in diseases of central nervous system, quality control in clinical laboratory and transfusion medicine medical education. Since 2018 he leads a professional upgrading project in transfusion medicine education. He has 5 publications that have been cited 100 times, his publication h-index is 5. He was selected as outstanding Cuban reviewer in 2020 in Cuban Journal of Biomedical Research.